Questions? Email us at
The registration price for the week depends on your age and your housing choice. It has has two parts: Program price and Lodging/food price.
Program price
$235 per adult (13 and over)
$100 per child (ages 6-12)
$50 per young child (under age 6)
Lodging/food price
Inn: between $425-$655 per person, depending on the type of room you get and how many people you stay with. The registration form will give you a specific cost as you select your options for the inn. (There is no discount for children ages 6-12. This reflects Claggett's pricing and is not our decision.)
Cottage: $510 per adult (13 and over) and $300 per child (ages 6-12).
Dorm: $400 per adult (13 and over) and $155 per child (ages 6-12). If you want camp to supply you linens, you can order them for an additional $6.
Other considerations
Food is a fixed price and is included in the price of your lodging choice. It includes dinner on the 27th through breakfast on New Year's Day (14 meals total).
Children under 6 stay and eat free no matter your housing option.
Terpsichore is a residential camp, we are not able to accommodate partial registrations for commuting attendees.
Email the registrar (Meg Dedolph) at
Email the planning committee (including questions about scholarships and financial aid) at